- Helping you to manage professional on-line Information
We live in a information overload era where there is so many of news, articles, and items we read and need to remember. ReferenceOrganiser.com seeks to help organise and use productively some of these snippets. It is just as suitable if you are at school or university, working in a research laboratory or in a busy profesional practice nor does it matter if you are a medical graduate, a lawyer or journalist. ReferenceOrganiser allows you to grab a web address and quickly save it under a few key words before moving on - anywhere, anytime.
A Bit of this and a bit of that..
It a web site that is half Citation Networking and half Reference Organiser, half Journal Organiser and half CV Organiser, half Publication Organiser and half Mail List Organiser. Here is what you can do:
In a Nutshell
You can grab a URL of an article or reference and allocate to it keywords, public and favourite status, email to a friend, create a reference and allocate to it key words and publications lists for your own use or for external referral. You can tag favourite journals and review their Table of Contents quickly from one source. You can see other URL and references from the same keywords or journal that have been added, say search requests and more. So if you are a student or lecturer, a researcher or professional in any professional, ReferenceOrganise may be of help.
The main advantage is that you can access it from any Internet Site, any time, anywhere and you can export the list to others with hyperlinks to any email address. The real value is that you can take the references with you where ever you move in your career.
It does need the Internet and it cannot insert references into text like Endnote or other publishing programs.
Because both URL and reference are networked, if the site or reference exist, it easy to create you own link